Sheridan County Powder River Historical Tour
Historical Tour of the Lower Powder River Explore famous sites and history from Clearmont, WY to Moorhead, MT Small group tours now scheduled: [...]
Historical Tour of the Lower Powder River Explore famous sites and history from Clearmont, WY to Moorhead, MT Small group tours now scheduled: [...]
SHOP HOP in CLEARMONT MAY 19 & 20 10-4 CLEARMONT HISTORICAL CENTER Books for sale both days! The perfect gift for a book lover!! ****BROWSE OUR BOOK SELECTION**** ****CHECK OUT [...]
Second Annual Quilt Show opens at 10 today!! Visit the Clearmont Historical Center from 10-2 and view amazing handiwork !!!
Calling all quilters and friends of quilters!!! The 2nd ANNUAL QUILT SHOW will be held the month of March! We would love to display your quilts or quilted item to [...]
The Sweetheart Book Extravaganza is still open! Order your sweetheart gift today! Great deals on the little Red Books at $14 each with candy for a total of $15 per [...]
Sweetheart Book Extravaganza!!! Discounted Books ($14 ea.) Gift Certificates Special Packaging (Books and Chocolate!!!) PLACE YOUR ORDER BY FEBRUARY 9TH!!!! Call 307.758.4684 or 307.758.4524 Check out our window display!! Be [...]
Look for the upcoming Sweetheart Book Extravaganza and Gift Certificate announcement and information!
Artwork by Richard Bohlmann donated to the Clearmont Historical Group. Thank you for your generous support!!
Hello Friends! 2022 is upon us, and it is time to think about the Clearmont Historical Group's 2nd Annual Quilt Show! Please help us by contributing your special handiwork. Any [...]
The Clearmont Historical Group is featuring a framed original acrylic painting of Arches National Park by Richard Bohlmann, local artist. Tickets are one for $10 or three for $20 [...]